
Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Today is Louie's 4th Birthday!

Yesterday we gave him some spends so he could go shopping. He was really excited to go on a shopping trip with mummy. We went to the White Rose Centre in Leeds so we could shop at the Build A Bear Workshop and the Disney Store :)

At the Disney Store he chose a Spiderman costume and a large Peter Pan soft toy. We then had a naughty lunch at McDonalds!
After lunch we headed to the Build A Bear Workshop where Louie made his very own Snowman! He even put him a heart inside, Awwww!
We bought a gift for his Daddy and Siblings, then we grabbed a Millie's Cookie on a stick and headed home :)
We stopped for a quick haircut at our local barber's shop, but he was itching to get home into his new costume!

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, hope you have lots of fun and eat lots of sweets! ;)

Sunday, 21 October 2012

My Little Lovelies

I wanted to share this poem I came across in a poetry competition. I would love to take credit for it but it isn't mine. I just thought it was lovely :)

Oh my little lovelies, how sweet you are right now, tucked up asleep and dreaming I do love you, and how! 

I don't mind the stains on the carpet, or my grubby walls, I love your little handprints and interrupted telephone calls.

 I'll kiss your little cheek I'll hold your little hand. I'll hug you very tight and tell a story every night, about fairies from a far away land. 

Mummy's very tired, Daddy's had a long day, the cat's lost his mind.
 But we wouldn't have it any other way.

 Brownies, cubs and dancing? Of course! you don't need to ask, but I'd like a little more notice when you have a homework task! 

Have you brushed your teeth and got your shoes on? What do you mean they're dirty?? Nah we're not THAT late for school.... It's only JUST gone 8.30... darlings.... Away I must creep, But I have to be quite sneaky, because I need my sleep and although you're sweet, your floor is very creaky.

 Love, Mum.

Frankie's First steps!

After months of walking around holding onto the furniture Frankie finally took his first unaided steps yesterday!
He is just 4 days away from 15 months.
Once he did it once that was it, he was doing it all day long, proper showing off, here's a video of him -

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Peace & Quiet...

Sometimes when the kids are running round and making loads of noise I wish for a few moments peace and quiet.


Peace and quiet is boring!

Charlie & Olivia have gone to stay at their grandparents for the weekend. It's been around a year since the last time they went to stay there. Their grandparents live in another town and I am missing the kids soooooooooooo much. Louie is bored stiff, Frankie is too little to play the games he likes to play just yet. The house is just way too quiet. I am missing the hustle, bustle and noise way too much! Dare I even say I am missing the nagging! I feel bored and I'm counting down the hours to them coming home tomorrow.

Their cousin Mollie was having her birthday party yesterday, here's a couple of pictures of them before they left-

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Before I Was A Mum...

Before I was a mum...
I cooked and ate hot meals. I wore unstained clothing, brushed my hair and teeth everyday, and had quiet conversations on the phone.

Before I was a mum...
My house stayed clean for days after I cleaned it. I didn't worry if my plants were poisonous, and I never tripped over toys, colouring books, or piles of shoes.

Before I was a mum...
I had never been puked on, pooped on, drooled on, chewed on, peed on, or pinched by tiny fingers. I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts. I always got a full night's sleep.

Before I was a mum...
I never held down a screaming child so that doctors could do tests or give jabs. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.

Before I was a mum...
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put him down. I never so felt gloriously happy over a simple grin, and I never knew that I could love someone so much.

Before I was a mum...
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside of my body. I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby, and I didn't know that bond between mother and her child.

Before I was a mum...
I didn't know someone so small could make me feel so important. I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, and the happiness of being a mum. I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much...

Before I was a Mum.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Being A Mother At 4am

Being a mum at 4am is exhausting!
Frankie is struggling with 4 back teeth cutting through at the minute. This is disturbing his sleep big time!
He is rolling around and bursting into tears in his sleep. I am exhausted.
My husband deals with sleep deprivation so much better than I do.
 I think it must run in the men his side of the family cos his dad is exactly the same, always up early!
It may also help that hubby can drink copious amounts of coffee, I can't even stand the smell let alone drink the stuff.
I do however like a good cup of tea.
On little sleep I am a seriously grumpy bitch!
Please hurry up and cut through teeth, it's been weeks now and I need a good nights sleep!

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Are You A Believer?

Last Night I had a reading done by a spiritualist medium.
It was quite spooky the amount of things that rang true to me.
Here's a couple of things that really struck home-
She told me somebody in the family had bad legs.
(My father in law is really suffering with his knee, he can't walk without being in pain and he's waiting for an operation on it).
She told me that she sees an angel baby girl around me.
(Many of my readers will know that we sadly lost Louie's twin, I always felt she was a girl).
She also said she saw herself give me flowers, and when she did I was holding something. Something that belonged to a loved one that has passed on. She saw a gold ring with 2 bands.
(My nan had a gold ring, it was 2 gold twisted bands with a rose on top. All through my childhood she told me the ring was mine and I was to take it off her finger when she died. I always told her I wouldn't do that and shortly before she died, she took it off and gave it me. I was 21 at the time and still living at my mums, where I had 4 siblings plus their friends coming in and out. The ring went missing from my bedroom. It's always bothered me and I would love to know where it is. I asked the medium if she saw anything more about the ring and she said "stop looking for it and you will find it". I really hope so).
She said I really felt sorry and heartbroken for a friend who had an angel baby.
(This is true, I was actually just catching up on a friends blog who's baby has sadly passed. I have been thinking about her all week and it's made me really sad).
She also kept saying that I'm OK and to stop worrying.
(My mum and auntie have both had breast cancer. I have always been worried I will get it too. This last week my mum has been having tests to see if her cancer is back and also having a lump that she found in her neck looked at. I have been worried about that and also worrying that I am so likely to get cancer myself. I think she is referring to this).
She also told me to stop worrying and keep that smile.
(I've been having problems with a tooth and have been wondering/worrying that I might need it removing. I think she could've been referring to this. Let's hope she's right).
She said she can see me having another little girl in the future. That a letter is on its way and I must stop worrying about money.
Are you a believer?

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Love From Mummy xXx

A letter to my children,
   Charlie, Olivia, Louie & Frankie
Dear Little Lovelies

  You are all growing up sooooooooo fast, TOO fast!
At this moment in time, Charlie, you are 9 years old. Your shoe size is catching up to mine at an alarming rate and you are very nearly as tall as me. You love all things army and Halo. Your best friends are Reece & Oliver and you love playing out with them. You are doing really well in school and you really enjoy your swimming lessons.

Olivia, you are 8 years old, and you are still a tiny, skinny girl even though you can eat for England! You are keen to start Ballet class and keep practiscing in your bedroom to your Bella Ballet DVD. You are doing great at school and are enjoying the swimming lessons you have started this year. You have such a temper on you, you always have ever since you were a toddler and you still have regular tantrums, I assume this is a 'girl thing' as we don't get it from any of the boys! You love playing with your dolls and you will make a wonderful mummy one day.

Louie, you are 3 years old and such a happy little boy. You have a close bond with your little brother Frankie and it's so lovely to watch you playing together. You recently started nursery and now you're settled in (it took a while!) you love it. You love playing out on the bikes with your little friends. You love the cooking sessions I take you to at Sure Start and you are totally mad on Power Rangers & Ben 10.

Frankie, you are almost 14 months and have such a little personality. You are independantly walking around all the furniture and you love to climb onto the windowsill and watch the world outside. You have a fascination with Baby Jake & many TV adverts. You are a funny little dude and make us laugh daily. You love your food and can say da-da, ma-ma and today for the first time you said meow meow to our new kitten, Pixie. It amazes me how much you have grown and we all love you so much.

I love the four of you sooooooooooooo much and having you all was the best thing I ever did. I enjoy every day with you all!

Love from Mummy xXx

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Before I was Mummy.....

I just got to thinking that 10 years ago I would've been pregnant with my 1st baby, Charlie. He was due December 22nd 2002. I went overdue with him and he was born January 1st 2003 at 11.03am after an awful and long induction ending in forceps and ventouse. He weighed 8lb 1oz.

Beautiful baby Charlie Blaise

Before I was a Mummy, life was pretty boring. I had a couple of jobs but nothing I ever really stuck at too long. Graham and I bought a little 2 bedroomed house just before I fell pregnant with Charlie. It was a tiny little house. 2 up, 2 down and not a lot more, but it was home. We made it nice and cosy and we loved it. It was our first proper home and we even had a garden with a little shed at the bottom!

I only seem to remember the weekends before I was a Mum. Friday nights would usually be spent having a few drinks in a local pub. Saturday we would usually go for a mooch round town, spend some of hubbys wages and end the evening with a takeaway. Sunday was spent with a looooooooong lie-in watching the Hollyoaks Omnibus in bed and eating the leftover takeaway from the night before for our brekkie (gross i know!).

It didn't really get more exciting than that.

But the day I became Mummy was the best day of my life! The love I felt for this little human being was amazing! The magic of Christmas when I was a child came back, only with tonnes more magic. Birthdays really were special occassions. Holidays were amazing, just to see babys first time on the beach, babys first paddle of toes in the sea. Suddenly I felt significant, and I knew I was put on this earth to be a Mum!
This is why I have gone on to have 3 more beautiful babies.

I love being a Mummy!

Memory Lane...The Journey Of Frankie...

I was sorting out some pictures on my facebook earlier when I came across some pregnancy ones.

I feel a bit sad that I don't have much pregnancy evidence from my older two children, Charlie & Olivia but we weren't really in the days of digital then.

I do have some good old photographs somewhere and will dig them out.

I also have some on a memory card somewhere from my pregnancy with Louie, I will dig those out too.

But for now, here's the journey of Frankie-Kade.....

The first time I ever saw him! Think I was 7 weeks & 5 days here

This was a private gender scan I had at 16 weeks as I was desperate to find out if I was carrying a pink or blue baby!

I can't find any earlier bump pics as I think I only took them when my bump was significant.
Here's some of the later stages bump pics...

Frankie was born in this pool, in my dining room, bang on his due date, 25th July 2011 at 9am. He weighed 8lb 9oz.

Below are the first pictures I took of him when the midwives had left and we had settled down..

His reaction to his first bath wasn't good to say he was a water baby LOL

We have just celebrated his 1st birthday and he is an amazing little chap. The first year of his life has flown so fast. He has an amazing little personality and is a joy to be around!

My gorgeous little man at one year old!

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Frankie!

Yesterday was my lil Frankies 1st Birthday!

We had a bit of a garden celebration and BBQ the day before as the weather forecast was better. On his actual birthday we just had a very chilled out day with a walk to the park to try out his new smart trike.
I really can't believe he is one already, the last year has gone so fast, too fast!

Here's some pics-

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Growing up too fast, The big first birthday is approaching!

My little Frankie is turning 1 on July 25th, this year has flown by soooooo quickly! I can remember giving birth to him in my dining room like it was last week!

My wrinkly little newborn has turned into an independant little man. He is almost walking! He sits unaided, crawls, walks around the furniture (his favourite spot being stood at my LCD TV bashing the screen!). He has his own little personality, his likes and dislikes and he can say a few words. Its amazing how much they change in a year!

I can't decide how to spend the day yet. We were hoping for a BBQ and bouncy castle in the garden but its impossible to plan with all this rain we are having! We may have to have a family meal out instead, but either plan will be enjoyable :)

Cheeky monkey this week with Louie

I hope he has a really nice day, whatever we end up doing. You only turn 1 once and what a special milestone :)

Now he's turning 1 the lid on the broody box is lifting! Tips to keep it firmly on would be muchly appreciated :p