
Saturday, 6 October 2012

Are You A Believer?

Last Night I had a reading done by a spiritualist medium.
It was quite spooky the amount of things that rang true to me.
Here's a couple of things that really struck home-
She told me somebody in the family had bad legs.
(My father in law is really suffering with his knee, he can't walk without being in pain and he's waiting for an operation on it).
She told me that she sees an angel baby girl around me.
(Many of my readers will know that we sadly lost Louie's twin, I always felt she was a girl).
She also said she saw herself give me flowers, and when she did I was holding something. Something that belonged to a loved one that has passed on. She saw a gold ring with 2 bands.
(My nan had a gold ring, it was 2 gold twisted bands with a rose on top. All through my childhood she told me the ring was mine and I was to take it off her finger when she died. I always told her I wouldn't do that and shortly before she died, she took it off and gave it me. I was 21 at the time and still living at my mums, where I had 4 siblings plus their friends coming in and out. The ring went missing from my bedroom. It's always bothered me and I would love to know where it is. I asked the medium if she saw anything more about the ring and she said "stop looking for it and you will find it". I really hope so).
She said I really felt sorry and heartbroken for a friend who had an angel baby.
(This is true, I was actually just catching up on a friends blog who's baby has sadly passed. I have been thinking about her all week and it's made me really sad).
She also kept saying that I'm OK and to stop worrying.
(My mum and auntie have both had breast cancer. I have always been worried I will get it too. This last week my mum has been having tests to see if her cancer is back and also having a lump that she found in her neck looked at. I have been worried about that and also worrying that I am so likely to get cancer myself. I think she is referring to this).
She also told me to stop worrying and keep that smile.
(I've been having problems with a tooth and have been wondering/worrying that I might need it removing. I think she could've been referring to this. Let's hope she's right).
She said she can see me having another little girl in the future. That a letter is on its way and I must stop worrying about money.
Are you a believer?

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