
Sunday, 5 August 2012

Memory Lane...The Journey Of Frankie...

I was sorting out some pictures on my facebook earlier when I came across some pregnancy ones.

I feel a bit sad that I don't have much pregnancy evidence from my older two children, Charlie & Olivia but we weren't really in the days of digital then.

I do have some good old photographs somewhere and will dig them out.

I also have some on a memory card somewhere from my pregnancy with Louie, I will dig those out too.

But for now, here's the journey of Frankie-Kade.....

The first time I ever saw him! Think I was 7 weeks & 5 days here

This was a private gender scan I had at 16 weeks as I was desperate to find out if I was carrying a pink or blue baby!

I can't find any earlier bump pics as I think I only took them when my bump was significant.
Here's some of the later stages bump pics...

Frankie was born in this pool, in my dining room, bang on his due date, 25th July 2011 at 9am. He weighed 8lb 9oz.

Below are the first pictures I took of him when the midwives had left and we had settled down..

His reaction to his first bath wasn't good to say he was a water baby LOL

We have just celebrated his 1st birthday and he is an amazing little chap. The first year of his life has flown so fast. He has an amazing little personality and is a joy to be around!

My gorgeous little man at one year old!


  1. I love the belly art I think I might have to do that on my bump x

    1. Aw you should, it was fun! We only used normal face paints, Louie even painted his own tummy to match lol x
