
Wednesday, 9 January 2013

New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions... Did you make any?
I'm not really a resolution maker, mostly because I usually fail to keep them!
I had a few thoughts swimming around my head.
Just stuff I would like to do this year (rather than resolutions).
1. Get outside every day. Even if it’s just for 10 minutes & the weather’s shit.
2. Use our local Sure Start Centre more.
3. Bake more.
4. Eat more healthily.
5. Blog more.
6. Have more 'couple time'.
7. Make some new mummy friends.
So far I have failed miserably at them all apart form eating more healthily, told you I was rubbish at resolutions.
It seems I'm rubbish at swimming thoughts' too!
Have you managed to keep upto your resolutions?


  1. Main ones were to keep up with running and to start my blog which I have done so far, although can usually stick to them for January!!! Good luck with the rest of yours :)

    1. Ah good luck, at least someone is keeping up! what is your blog address I will come and follow you x

  2. Nice list of resolutions!

    My main ones are to learn to drive and learn how to use my DSLR properly! Other ones are to lose weight and read more :) I have a whole list if you wanna see?

    Good luck for the year :) Love your header by the way!

  3. PS... the comment above, where it says outmumbered1 links to my OLD blog btw :) Just saying :)

    1. Thank you for popping by, I will come across to yours for a nosey, stick the kettle on! x
