
Saturday, 23 March 2013

Lantern Land

This is just a little update on the Lantern Land event at the kids school.
It was Thursday evening just gone. Unfortunately Frankie had to stay home with daddy as it was so cold with all this snowy, icy weather we have been having! Charlie didn't want to come as he hadn't made a lantern this year. So it was just Olivia, Louie and myself that went.
It looked lovely, the lanterns look so pretty all a-glow. Many parents attended and it was a busy event.
We had a walk around the lantern 'village' then stopped off for some yummy hot chocolate topped with cream and marshmallows, and a homemade biccie, yum!
We then listened to a short talk given by the teachers and a song from the children. This was followed by a lovely balloon release into the night sky.
We were there around 2hrs and it was sooooooo cold. I couldn't feel my legs on the way home, but its such a lovely event and so worth braving the cold for!

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Back in school for the day!

Last Thursday Olivia had her class assembly. Following the assembly there was also a lantern workshop in her class room. The lanterns we were making are for an annual event the school holds, called Lantern Land. The children all make lanterns in the shape of houses and decorate them with shapes. They are made from 'withy wood sticks'. This involves a lot of bending and taping. Once the lanterns have taken shape the children cover them in tissue paper.
The school will then hold the event. They set up all the lanterns in the playgrounds and put candles inside each one. This makes them glow and represents our lovely community. We get to walk around the lantern village and it truly is a lovely event. Plus we get hot chocolate and cake!
So last Thurday I went to Olivia's class assembly, then headed to her classroom straight after for the lantern workshop. The kids went out for playtime so I somehow ended up in the staff room with a bunch of teachers having a cuppa! That really felt a bit strange!
After playtime we got straight on with the lantern making. I had to pick Louie up from nursery at 11.40am so he came along to help with the lantern building.
When the kids went for their dinner, Louie and I hopped on the bus into town and had a cheeky McDonalds for our lunch.
I then dropped Louie home to his dad, as he didn't want to come back to school. I headed back to Olivia's class and stayed until hometime.

Lantern Land is this coming Thurday so I will update with some pictures of the lantern community.